Frequently asked questions:
How can you help? I can help by offering an outside and professional perspective on your dog's behaviour. By gathering a detailed history of your dog, understanding your aims, and describing your problem I can help you understand your dog's behaviour better and show you practical ways to manage and actively resolve those issues. I am always a message away, and can provide support for you with your training, as well as emotional support as you go on this journey with your dog. I know how overwhelming it can feel and I am to be there for you as much as I am able to be.
How much will it cost?
Our support package is a serious investment in time, energy, and finances. However, the most important investment is the outcome you receive by working with me.
The financial investment in getting help with your dog's behaviour varies from case to case. Our sessions are now sold as programs only; to ensure we are able to provide bespoke, long-term support for effective and lasting change. We can discuss what works best for you and your dog when you contact me. Many customers choose to work with me past the 90-day period, and I have many who I have been working with for 6 - 18 months to develop skills, and confidence further.
Approximately 80% of the work with your dog will be done by you, the owner! Between our sessions where I coach you in how to get the change you want; most people get best results when they are able to practice the training 3-4 days a week.
A question I will be cheeky, and offer back to you is, what will it cost you if you don't train your dog? Many people live unhappily with their dogs for many months or even years, and it can lead to chronic stress, relationship breakdowns, and even regular injury. Arguably the long-term costs of NOT investing in resolving your issues now are higher than those of starting your journey toward a more 'livable with' dog today.
How long will it take to see progress? This will vary from case to case. For some dogs you will see changes immediately, but for most, it will take time. Changing behaviour is the consequence of changing your dog's emotional responses. Changing how your dog subconsciously feels about something isn't a quick fix. Many people with adolescent or overly reactive dogs will not notice many changes for a while, then all of a sudden notice a lack of 'problem' behaviour suddenly. Tracking your dog's progress can help you notice all the changes that take place and help you stay more optimistic and able to celebrate ALL of your 'wins'.
What can I do if I'm not happy? Firstly, let me know! If you've not been happy with the service provided please do tell me. I do my utmost to provide a helpful and supportive service, but sometimes there can be miscommunication, and of course, in some cases, people just don't click and that's ok! I am always more than happy to speak with you to try and come up with something that works for us all. As for action plans and active training, remember, it is an ongoing process. If something I suggested to do isn't working, let me know. We can adjust your plan as we go. If you don't tell me your problems I won't be able to help!
What happens if my dog gets something right? Depending on what issues or training we are working through we will use some sort of positive reinforcer (a 'reward' of sorts). This may be food, a toy, social praise and interaction or something in the environment that the dogs want (e.g. allowing them to go explore and have fun!).
What happens if my dog gets something wrong? We will manage our training so the dog is unlikely to 'get things wrong'. Outside of that, we will take a breath, and start afresh! Where younger dogs are struggling with overstimulation and overwhelm we may use more gentle 'parenting' methods where we can say 'Ah, we're not doing that, but here are some other options.'.
Where do sessions take place? This will depend on the problem we are working on. Most Kickstarter sessions will take place at your home. Then we can arrange to meet either at secure fields, or other outdoor locations depending on your needs.
What if my dog is beyond help? Most of the people who come to work with me feel like their dog 'can't be fixed'. And this is true, but only because most are not broken! Young dogs or reactive dogs will usually have a good reason for their behaviour which when we explore things more deeply we often can uncover and then begin work to resolve. In some cases, some dogs with physical illnesses that are causing their behaviour issues may not do so well. Our 3 options for behaviour change are - 1) Active management and proactive training, 2) rehoming or 3) behavioural euthanasia. Most people who come to me want to begin with option 1. In more complex cases it may be that we have to build up your dogs 'team' in order to resolve their issues, by including other professionals such as vets or physiotherapists.
What if I don't have the skills or ability to train my dog myself? If worrying about your own ability as your dogs trainer has been preventing you getting started, then know, you are NOT alone. So many people who want to work with their dogs, end up doing nothing because they are concerned their own skills or ability isn't good enough. This is not true! Being a beginner at something new takes courage, but that's why I am here to support you. Once upon a time I didn't know how to deal with behaviour issues either! When you work with me our focus is on progress > perfection. If you do find yourself really struggling we can brainstorm alternative options that may work.
What if I get too stressed/anxious about my dog's behaviour during a session? So many owners reach out to me in tears, or will be triggered by their dogs behaviour. Many feel hopeless and out of options. Once upon a time, I felt the same, and I couldn't walk my own dog down the drive without having a panic attack. The emotional toll a dog's inappropriate behaviour can have on us can be intense. When working together I will take both your and your dog's needs into account and we will do our best to ensure you feel safe and supported.
My older dog is showing some problem behaviours, is it too late to help them? Absolutely not! Behaviour is something that is constantly changing throughout life. Learning doesn't stop at a certain age. While the first port of call should be your vets if your older dog has a sudden behaviour change, working to change problem behaviour in your older dog, or even just starting some new, fun training is worth it! Even with my own 3 oldies adding training games and enrichment into their lives helped reduce boredom, and frustration and helped them settle.
My dog isn't interested in food or toys. Can I still train them? Yes! You can! Being able to take food or play is a skill in itself with some dogs, we can build their interest and enthusiasm in these things with practice, and in the meantime, there are other fun strategies we can utilise.
Contact Jenny: 07505000709